Creating Webhooks

In this guide, we’ll go through the necessary steps to create a webhook for any verifications done on your program. The end result is a call from SheerID’s service to an endpoint of your choice when any verification becomes successful.


Webhooks are used to notify you about successful verifications so you can continue moving users through your workflow. When combined with the details GET request they allow you to do things like receive the reward code for that verification and pass it along to the user.

Set up a Webhook

Use the webhook POST request to configure your webhook URI for your program. Follow the schema in the following example, creating a webhook at


POST /rest/v2/program/<YOUR_PROGRAM_ID>/webhook HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>

    "callbackUri": ""

A successful request will return a 200 OK response, and your program is now configured to pass verification IDs to your webhook.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • callbackUri: string, The URI for your configured webhook.

Retrieve Verification Details

Now that your program is configured with your webhook, SheerID will pass the verificationId to the webhook upon a successful verification:

    "verificationId": "60fb1e229ca29b55dc92abf2"

Use the Verification Details endpoint to monitor the status of the verification, keep track of steps, provide the reward code to end users, etc.

Remove and Change a Webhook

Once a webhook is set on a program you may not use the webhooks POST request to change it. Doing so will result in a 409 Conflict error code, indicating that the webhook already exists.

Use the webhook DELETE request to remove it.

DELETE /rest/v2/program/<YOUR_PROGRAM_ID>/webhook HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>

    "callbackUri": ""

Once deleted you can add an updated webhook by using the webhook POST request again.

Note: You can also define a webook in the Program Settings page.

Webhook Security

As your verification progresses from step to step, we provide webhook notifications to help you take the appropriate actions for the given change. This section provides details on the features that we use to ensure smooth and secure communication with SheerID webhooks.

Static IP Addressing

At SheerID, we understand our customers’ need to communicate with us in a secure environment. One of the most effective methods of ensuring secure traffic to your servers from ours is providing you with designated, static IP addresses for your firewall’s allowlist.

See Static IP Addressing for details on our static IPs for incoming webhooks.

HMAC Signed Messages

SheerID includes a custom header in POST webhook requests: X-Sheerid-Signature. This contains an HMAC-SHA256 signature. The seed used for the signature is generated and stored by SheerID.

Our Client Delivery team will send you a copy of your signature key. You should verify the signature on your end for incoming requests. Below are two example verification methods using the Python hmac module:

import hashlib
import hmac

digest =
    shared_secret.encode( 'utf-8' ),
    msg=raw_body.encode( 'utf-8' ),

if digest == x_sheerid_signature:
    # Valid Message
import hashlib
import hmac

digest =
    "sharedsecret1234" .encode( 'utf-8' ),
    msg= '{ "verificationId" : "5e4fef3cdcaa25122fb281c7e" }' .encode( 'utf-8' ),

if digest == x_sheerid_signature:
    # Valid Message

Additional Signing Fields

We can add entropy to the HMAC signature by including extra fields in the notification message body: nonce and timestamp.

The inclusion of nonce and timestamp in requests will give each notifier a unique token and timestamp. To activate this additional security feature, ask your Account Manager to enable extraSigningFields for your HTTP notifiers.

Following is an example of a webhook configured with the extraSigningFields flag, using form-data format:

X-Sheerid-Signature : <HashedContent>
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • requestId— An identifier for the verification request for which this event was triggered.

  • timestamp— A Unix UTC timestamp with millisecond resolution.

  • nonce— A randomly-generated, single-use token used to add additional entropy to the raw POST data.


In the event that SheerID is unable to deliver the HTTP notification (any message that is not HTTP status 2xx is a failure), the message will be resent according to this schedule:

Failed attempt # Will retry after
1 immediately
2 1 hour
3 3 hours
4 7 hours

If SheerID is unable to deliver a notification after the fourth retry, we will consider the notification failed and make no further attempts.

If we are unable to deliver 100% of the notifications for 2 consecutive days, the notification system will be disabled for your program and Customer Service will contact you to for corrective action.